When it comes to social media, it can be easy to fall into the habit of focusing too heavily on the most popular websites. While it makes sense to be where the people are, it’s also important to pay attention to where the people are going and what that means. As it is, there are several demographics that do not conform to expectations. Although it is undeniable that Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular social networks in the world, websites such as Snapchat and Instagram are starting to gain a lot of ground among younger users, while LinkedIn appeals to an older user base.
In addition to demographics such as these, it’s important to pay attention to trends in social media that inform us of where the media format is headed. Believe it or not, Google Plus might just be one of the most important networks to watch. Even though the network was quickly written off as an unnecessary addition to the crowd, Google has stated that there are now over 540 million monthly active users, making it one of the most popular social networks in the world. These numbers are definitely intriguing, but that isn’t the only reason to keep an eye on Google+.
Google Plus is Putting the Search in Social
Google made a name for themselves with one of the most successful and useful search engines on the internet, so it makes sense that they would make that search engine a part of their plan for social media. Google+ offers a little feature known as social search, which allows for users of the network to see results that have been recommended by other users in their circle. In other words, social search can make it easier to get your content seen on Google by the people who are most likely to enjoy it, especially if you invest the time and energy necessary to build a strong and healthy community on the social network.
Currently, social search is only an option, but it’s possible that this feature could become the status quo in the near future. If we look at the changes that the company has made to their search engine, they have all been focused on providing better, more valuable content to the user. What better way to give users stronger search results than by allowing members of their social circle to help them find better content? Social search is entirely in line with Google’s modus operandi, so it would not be surprising to see them make it a big part of their future endeavors.
Google Plus is the Future of B2B Marketing
In addition to their social search function (entitled Plus Your World), Google+ also offers Authorship opportunities which can improve your status in the social media world. After all, if you are listed as the author of an excellent piece of content that everyone in your social circle enjoys, chances are that you’ll quickly become accepted as an authority in your field. The trick is to produce great content that people in your industry will enjoy, which is exactly the kind of thing that Google wants to show up in their search results.
Think about it: If you had the world’s most popular search engine, would you want a bunch of useless results to show up, or would you rather that people found what they were looking for? With the help of Google Plus, getting noticed and become a strong member of any B2B community is easier than ever. Share, post, and comment on valuable content, and your star will rise on Google’s social network. When people in your field start to recognize you and your business as trustworthy and reliable, it will only be a matter of time before they start coming to you for their needs.
Take Control of Your Targeted Marketing
Social media is all about building strong relationships and becoming a part of a community. In B2B marketing, it’s important to remember that your efforts will only be as effective and powerful as those who see them. The last thing you want to do is focus on a wide and varied audience simply because it is larger. Instead, focus your attention where it will be most effective and strengthen your social media presence among groups that will truly appreciate your message.
Google Plus is a great social network because it allows you to take control of who you target. Although Facebook and Twitter now offer powerful and effective targeted ads, Google+ not only offers those same types of ads, but it also allows users to do the targeting themselves by becoming members of hyper focused circles. The other top social networks might provide a few opportunities to create communities, but none of those opportunities are quite as useful as those you’ll find on Google Plus.
Guest Blog by Megan Marie Ritter
Megan Marie Ritter is currently getting her Masters in Marketing at USC. She enjoys learning more about her ever-changing industry and frequently contributes guest pieces on various channels. She is based out of Los Angeles, CA and has held positions at various financial and marketing institutions.
Follow her @megmarieritter.