PR is finally coming full circle (pun intended!). We want to share the number one biggest PR mistake 90% of companies make and share our most successful tactic to pitching the press and getting them to respond.

In working with Baby & Kids Brands for almost a decade, here are the issues with PR:

Traditionally, PR firms charge a boatload of money which leaves companies asking two questions:

  1. Will I get sales / ROI from PR?
  2. How do I track PR results to measure ROI?

(Yes, PR is for building brand credibility and getting your company exposure, but we have a motto at our firm — if you spend money, you should be making money!)

We helped a client make a million in sales in a little over a year before they went on Shark Tank using our special blogger system. Couple this with our “list pitch” PR strategy (which we share what this is below) and tie in some loop features…and viola! We have a unique PR approach that is working EXTREMELY WELL.

It’s called a PR Loop. Below is how it works but first…

Why Sign Up:

5 – 6x more press results.

On average we get 10 press replies per pitch. With our “list pitches” we are seeing 60 press replies or more from ONE SINGLE’s a screenshot to show you the number of replies from our last “list pitch” we did a couple weeks ago:

Grow a massive email list.

THE NUMBER ONE MISTAKE with PR is not having a call to action to capture the emails of the audience seeing the press feature. This is how you take PR to the next level and drive sales. The PR Loop does this.

I will see an amazing interview on TV, but then no call to action at the end! Eeek! (Cringe) If you are on TV or the radio or even in a magazine or newspaper – ALWAYS prep what we like to call a “WOW OFFER” – so this could be something like “Visit to subscribe to our newsletter and each month you will have a chance to win our monthly mom swag bag full of amazing mom gifts – winner announced on Facebook and Instagram so give us a follow to see if you win.” Another wow offer could be a free gift – “For all our viewers use code NBC at to redeem a free gift with any swaddle purchase.”  Or another example is “If you watched this interview, go to the ABC Facebook page and share a photo or comment with the tag #ABConTODAY and a winner will be chosen to receive a $200 gift card.”

Saves You Money

Not only is it affordable ($25/loop), but you save a TON of money on giveaway samples. Say 20 bloggers will feature your product via our PR Loop.  They all offer the SAME giveaway, not individual giveaways. So you only give away ONE PRIZE per loop / list pitch (you get 4 per month) – more details below. We give them the entry form to embed/share.

More Sales From PR

The PR Loop is all about driving sales but in a clever way so the press and bloggers are on board. You can create a deal code per loop so you can track sales from that specific list pitch.

More Social Media Followers

Part of entering the giveaway is to follow all the brands in your PR Loop – you are grouped with 3-5 brands in total so it’s really easy for entrants to like your Facebook page and follow you on Instagram.

Excellent Supplement to Current PR

We work with other PR firms all the time so if you have a publicist, that’s okay!  You can still sign up. We can work directly through them if they prefer. If you currently do not have a publicist, then this is a perfect opportunity to get press without spending a huge budget.

No More Wait and See PR

The wait and see is paying a boatload of money to a PR firm, having them pitch your product and 6 months down the road you discover that it’s not panning out how you’d hope. The PR Loop shows you real, tangible results every week.

What is a “List Pitch?”

A “list pitch” is a tactic we developed about seven years ago.  Here’s what it means — a list pitch includes multiple products in one pitch from DIFFERENT COMPANIES – usually 3-5 products – and they all fit into the pitch topic.

Press LOVES list pitches because the work is done for them:

  1. they have a theme, and
  2. they have multiple products to fit the theme so they don’t have to go searching for other products that fit.

If you pitch just your product by itself, the press contact may love it, but they put it on the back burner until they can fit it into a story idea and find other brands to fit the same story theme (they rarely like to feature just one product as this is too promotional). Then, unless you constantly follow up with them for weeks and risk them getting annoyed, they tend to forget about that awesome pitch you sent and you are back to square one re-pitching a new idea.

The “List Pitch” solves this problem.

Also, we like to take the list pitch a step further…you can turn your list pitch into a blog post with a social share graphic showing the name of the pitch theme and all the products mentioned – then have all the brands share on social media and tag each other. It’s good to get the permission of the brands that you want to include in your list pitch first as a courtesy to make sure they are okay with it. We even send the proposed pitch so they can approve the copy.

How the PR Loop Works:

  1. Choose FOUR pitch themes per month (the form below has themes to choose from)
  2. We craft a short pitch for your product (will send for approval) and group you with 3 to 5 other brands for each “list pitch” or as we call it a PR Loop.
  3. We set up a viral giveaway for each pitch / loop. BONUS: this giveaway can be shared on your website/social media to drive even more traffic and give your fans something new and fresh to win each week!
  4. We send a weekly press pitch to 5k top parenting/lifestyle press and to 2k mom bloggers. You choose 4 themes a month so we do one theme each week.
  5. As the press replies back, we send you press opportunities (free, not paid) and you decide which bloggers/press you want to work with.
  6. The press/bloggers feature your company and share the viral giveaway. This means we are able to capture the emails of the press/bloggers’ audiences and grow your marketing list to drive sales.
  7. We use a special giveaway software that gets entrants to follow you on social media, gives them a deal code to drive sales in your shop, and gets them to refer two friends to enter the giveaway to unlock a cash reward. Everything is automated and easy – we manage all of it.
  8. Samples may be requested for press/blogger features but sometimes they only want high res images. We let you know.
  9. You get the email list every month from your PR Loop giveaways.
  10. THE BEST PART… you only give away 1 prize per List Pitch / Loop — for example:  Let’s say you signed up to be part of the “Top 5 Baby Shower Gifts.”  We send the pitch out and 15 bloggers and 5 press outlets want to share it. You do NOT give 20 prizes – the bloggers and the press all use the same giveaway entry form so it’s only one prize per “list pitch” – so that’s 4 prizes a month since you are part of 4 themes a month.
  11. Requires little of your time. We handle everything for you and you just send samples to the press and take interviews!

We can work directly with your publicist if you have one.

Upcoming Themes

  • Mother’s Day Gifts to Save Time and Make Life Easier
  • Child Safety Awareness Month – Best Kids Safety Products
  • Coolest Dad Inventions
  • Coolest Mom Inventions
  • Baby Bag Essentials
  • Best Travel Products for Baby & Kids
  • Parents Day (July 22nd) – Mom and Dad Inventor Ah-ha Moments
  • Best Baby Registry Gifts


$25/PR LOOP = 4 per month = $100/month

Next Steps

Please sign up via the form below. All the previous spots filled up so we opened more!  There is no long term commitment. Try it for a month and next month let us know if you want to stay in it. You will love it!